
Slack 新增 Bot App

Create New App

1. Create New App

填入 App Name 及 選擇 workspace

2. 維護 Base Information

維護 App Name & Short description & App icon & background color

3. 維護 Oauth & Permissions

Add an Oauth Scope

This scope lets an app "View basic information about public channels in the workspace"

This scope lets an app "Send messages as your slack app"

4. Install App into your workspace

Code Example

Send messages example

DotNet Code Send Message 2 Slack

private void send2stalck(string path,string query,string header,string body,string message)
    Dictionary dictQuery = new Dictionary();
    dictQuery.Add("channel", @"slack channel");
    dictQuery.Add("token", @"slack token");
    dictQuery.Add("text", message);
    JArray jaFields = new JArray();
    var joEnv = new JObject() { { "title", "env" }, { "value", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT") }, { "short", true } };
    var joPath = new JObject() { { "title", "path" }, { "value", path }, { "short", true } };
    var joTimestamp = new JObject() { { "title", "timestamp" }, { "value", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }, { "short", true } };
    var joQuery = new JObject() { { "title", "query parameter" }, { "value", query }, { "short", true } };
    var joHeader = new JObject() { { "title", "header parameter" }, { "value", header }, { "short", false } };
    var joBody = new JObject() { { "title", "body" }, { "value", body }, { "short", false } };
    var joMessage = new JObject() { { "title", "message" }, { "value", message }, { "short", false } };
    JObject joField = new JObject() { { "fields", jaFields } };
    JArray ja = new JArray();
    string strAttachments = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ja);
    dictQuery.Add("attachments", WebUtility.UrlEncode(strAttachments));
    httpReqService service = new httpReqService().WithSlack();
    JObject joReturn = service.sendRequest("/chat.postMessage", "GET", dictQuery, null, null);



Grafana Dashboard 建立

建立自己的 Dashboard # 由於 intelligent sense 相當不錯,輸入關鍵字他會帶出 metric label # 另外可參考 https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/basics/ Prometheus Query # 或是直接拿其他已建立的Dashboard 可複製到新的 Dashboard ex: node_memory_MemTotal_bytes # 取伺服器記憶體容量資料 # 過濾條件在{}加入 ex: node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{instance="${server 1}:9100"} # 要取特定伺服器資料 # Setting 中設定 Variables ex: node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{instance=~"$node"} # 變數名稱 node 建立 Alert .Visualization 必須是Graph

FluentD 參數說明

FluentD 高效、統一的日誌收集器 延伸閱讀 FluentD 實作 Nginx Access Log FluentD 實作 Nginx Access Log 補充 FluentD 安裝 Dockerfile FROM fluent/fluentd:v1.8.1-1.0 # Use root account to use apk USER root # below RUN includes plugin as examples elasticsearch is not required # you may customize including plugins as you wish RUN apk add --no-cache --update --virtual .build-deps \ sudo build-base ruby-dev \ && apk add mariadb-dev \ && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-elasticsearch \ && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-mongo \ && sudo gem install fluent-plugin-sql \ && sudo gem install mysql2 -v 0.5.2 \ && sudo gem sources --clear-all \ && apk del .build-deps \ && rm -rf /home/fluent/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/cache/*.gem VOLUME ["/fluentd/etc","/fluentd/log","/var/log"] docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: fluentd: build: context: . dockerfile: ./Dockerfile image: my/flue...

FluentD 實作 Nginx Access Log 補充

FluentD 實作 Nginx Access Log 補充 前一篇針對 FluentD 安裝 及 Nginx Access log format 設定提供範例 本篇補充 1. 將 access_log 存入 MySQL 2. 針對Input 加工,ex 解析 Path 拆成不同欄位,在傳入 Output 延伸閱讀 FluentD 參數說明 FluentD 實作 Nginx Access Log 將 access_log 存入 MySQL <worker 0> <source> ... 略 </source> <match nginx.web.access> @type copy ... 略 <store> @type sql host ${MySQL Host address} port ${MySQL Port} adapter mysql2 database ${MySQL Database} username ${MySQL User Name} password ${MySQL Password} <table> table ${MySQL table} column_mapping 'logtime:logtime,method:method,path:path,code:code,size:size,resptime:resptime,token:token,path_url:path_url,timestamp:created_at' </table> </store> </match> </worker> 針對Input 加工,ex 解析 Path 拆成不同欄位,在傳入 Output 情境: 以下 access log 範例,需要針對 Query Parameter 拆解並存入新欄位,以利分析. [27/Dec/2019:07:14:10 ...